Sunday, February 21, 2010

Golden keyword targeting rule

How many keywords in a page ?

It is not that difficult to use different and many keywords in the same article or page of a blog. But one should never try to target more than two keywords in one page. If one targets more than two keywords, it will confuse Google and it may even attract penalty from mighty Google. So, the golden rule for tageting number of keywords in a page is two, at maximum.

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Golden keyword targeting rule

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Making money from blogging

Bloggers build up articles, comments in their blog over a period of time. Though many people love to read posts on a website, there are also a people who want to learn in a traditional way, in a finite time. So, once a blogger become famous as well as authority on his chosen niche, he may start planning to earn conducting online courses, webinars for others with some registration fees.

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Making money from blogging

Friday, February 5, 2010

Benefits of puting custom google internal search

n every blog, one would find a search option to search contents of the blog. This is one of the “must have” features in an website which helps website usability as well as great tool to find related information for a visitor. Though, search may not be much useful with blogs with few posts, but imaging of a blog which has thousands of posts! Search inside the site does help find related posts or contents!

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Benefits of puting custom google internal search

Monday, February 1, 2010

Unproductive Online Time blogger should avoid

Internet has many resources, appealing websites, games sites, and finally many interesting social networks. In a single sentence, internet can be a great place to “kill” your time! And one may kill himself by killing his “lifetime”, but internet may not get exhausted of contents, resources.

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Unproductive Online Time blogger should avoid

Blogging as a business

If one wants to make money by blogging, one has to treat blogging as a business, period.

Well, if you thought you would blog part time and make few quick bucks, you would really make only “few” bucks, quick or other wise. Most probably, you will make $8 a month from your Google AdSense account and you will have to wait a year to get the $100 cheque from Google. And most probably you will lose interest by that time in blogging to make money.

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Blogging as a business

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tips to get ideas for your next blog post

Regularly updated blogs attract regular visitors, and this is well known now a days as it has been repeated in almost all MMO(Make Money Online) blogs as well as every online marketing blogs in different languages. Most probably, one would say, I also have done just that now.

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Tips to get ideas for your next blog post

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Planning a new blog to make money online

Almost all blogger start making money at one point of time or the other, or at least they try to make money from their blogs. And then, there also some blogger who start blogs just to try making money from blogs and then give up quickly. But, nothing wrong in starting a new blog with sole purpose of making money, in fact, I would agree that, this is also an interesting and important reason why one should start blogging.

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Planning a new blog to make money online